Monday, May 1, 2017

We are in the Zone

We were in the Zone this week. And I do mean every Zone. Or maybe we are just Zoned out. Tuesday through Friday we were going to Zone Conferences all over Auckland. Sister Bartlett gave a lesson to the Missionaries about what to do when you are sick. I gave them a lesson on how to change and fix a flat tire on their bicycles.
We also tried to teach them to be a little more Self Sufficient. We showed them where they could go for help first before they call us for everything. Needless to say by Friday we needed some time to relax.
During Zone conferences, Sister Balli had every Missionary sign the Iron Rod signifying they
would hold fast to the Word of God as talked about in the Book of Mormon. These Elders are holding the Iron Rod.
Of course no Zone Conference is complete without the Island food. In this case we had the exotic Subway sandwich. I don't think I need another Subway the rest of my Mission. The Elders and Sisters loved them and there were usually none left. The same goes for the chips, fruit and of course Tim Tams.
We had to stop at McDonalds one morning for breakfast because we had to leave the Flat early in order to make it to the Zone Conference through all the traffic. For the breakfast combo meal they serve hot chocolate, but if you want coffee it is extra. They have a gourmet coffee bar in every McDonalds.
It has been a busy week and we are helping to teach the Temple Preparation class for 4 people preparing to go to the Temple. We will go with the Ward to Hamilton for the Ward Temple day on the 13th of May. We are having to have several lessons a week in order to finish in time for them to go for Ward Temple day.
In addition to that, the Bishop asked Elder Bartlett to put together a slideshow about the Ward Zone program. The Stake President asked all Bishops to institute this plan in their Wards to assist in the Missionary work. The Ward is divided into six geographical areas so that each zone can work together to help the less active members and part member families to become active and to invite non-members to Come unto Christ. We think that this will get all the Ward members involved in Missionary work.
We love our Ward and are finding ways to serve others here. The members have a good heart and are very friendly.They are very diverse in cultures and nationalities, but they are all Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Well, until next week. We wish you all a fond farewell. Brother and Sister Bartlett

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